Ranking The 5 Ugliest Pokémon

3. Gurdurr

Pokemon Bruxish

At least Stantler has only one feature that looks like a tumor. Gurdurr looks like it's made of tumors. This Fighting-type Pokemon introduced in Pokemon Black and White evolves for Timburr, and evolves into Conkeldurr. While all three of these Pokemon are pretty ugly, Gurdurr takes the middle-child trophy as the worst of the line.

First of all, this thing looks like a clown. Literally, that nose is ripe for the squeaking. Plus his excuse for a head had to be clown hair. Why else would it be so disgusting? The next clownlike feature is the proportions of this abomination. What are those hands? Heck, there isn't even a hand! Where are its palms?

Don't even start on those veins. What is up with those pink puffs of powerfully painful poison? It's like Gurdurr just got out of a taffy pulling machine. In fact, I think that's exactly how Gurdurr is made. Half the time, it pulls the taffy. The other half, it is the taffy.

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I'm an American 17-year old, so you already know I'm amazing at writing.