Ranking The 5 Ugliest Pokémon

2. Jynx

Pokemon Bruxish

This almost doesn't belong on the list. Jynx is meant to be ugly. It's an Ice/Psychic type from the very first Generation, Pokemon Red, Blue, and Green. Its signature move was introduced to be Lovely Kiss, obviously ironic. It's caused controversy due to it previously looking like an obese blackface actor in drag. Jynx is meant to make you marvel at how ugly it is.

Nevertheless, you can't ignore it enough to not put it on a list like this. Everything is wrong with this Pokemon. From the purple skin to the tacky dress to the gross lips (or lip, as in one singular lip) to the out of place hair to the thing that's either a bra or glasses, or both, who wants to know, Jynx is wrong. It's just wrong.

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I'm an American 17-year old, so you already know I'm amazing at writing.