Ranking The Best Video Games Of January 2016

2. Rise Of The Tomb Raider (PC)

Metacritic Score: 87 The Verdict: Gamers were rightly outraged when Lara Croft's latest adventure was released as a timed exclusive to the Xbox One late last year, but fear not (unless you only own a PS4, anyway), as Rise of the Tomb Raider has finally landed on the PC. Effortlessly vaulting over the pitfalls that assail so many console-to-PC ports (looking at you here, Batman Arkham Knight), ROTTR on the PC is the ultimate way to play the game. The performance is terrific as long as you're not slinging around an ancient rig, and more sophisticated systems will find that the graphical overhauls from the Xbox version speak for themselves. As for the gameplay? Well, it's as stupendous as those rapturous reviews last year suggested: Lara has never felt more smoothly intuitive to play, the tombs make a much-vaunted return, and for everyone who has dismissed the reboot as a lazy Uncharted clone, it manages to carve out a more distinct identity for itself this time. Now, if the PS4 could get the game ASAP, that'd be great...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.