Ranking The Fallout Series From Worst To Best

3. Fallout 3

Fallout Video Games

Some of the diehards would have you believe Fallout 3 was, in some respects, a step backwards for the series. The moment when it became 'Elder Scrolls with guns'.

There's a legitimate complain in there somewhere, but there's no escaping the fact that the third numbered instalment took the franchise forwards in countless ways.

The jump to 3D visuals and the first-person perspective made Fallout more cinematic, and Wasteland wandering more immersive and unbridled than ever.

Fallout 3's Capital Wasteland may be irradiated to the core, but there were few in-game worlds that felt more alive than this when the game landed in 2008.

VATS was also a game-changer for the series, bringing the gunplay to life like never before. Watch a Super Mutant's limbs fly off in slow motion and then tell us it isn't one of the most triumphant combat systems in RPG history.

As bold and ambitious as Fallout 3 was, it was never a perfect game. Fans of the originals were after meatier RPG components and a stronger narrative, while everyone else just wanted the game to be glitch-free.

In hindsight, Fallout 3 set the standards for the series in the modern age, like the original did in 1997, and was no less influential than the game that started it all.

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