Ranking The Fallout Series From Worst To Best

2. Fallout 4

Fallout Video Games
Bethesda Studios

Much like Fallout 2 did back in the day, Fallout 4 successfully revised the blueprint it inherited from its predecessor and the result was a vastly superior game.

It pretty much had to be, given that Bethesda had next-generation technology on its side, but we're talking more than a few shrewd tweaks here.

Sure post-nuclear Boston feels like a more cohesive world with lots more to see and do, and the talky protagonist makes for a stronger narrative, but it's features like the building mechanic that truly set it apart.

Nostalgic for New Reno from Fallout 2? Why not build it yourself with the countless raw materials you've amassed during your quest?

It's these kind of activities that can distract your from the core quest for months, possibly even years. Who needs a wealth of downloadable content or Fallout 5 while you've still go an empire to build from recycled junk?

Of course, those who damned Bethesda to hell for turning its back on top-down RPG gameplay are no more likely to be convinced by Fallout 4 than they were by number three, but it's the boycotters who are missing a trick.

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