Ranking The Fallout Series From Worst To Best

1. Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout Video Games

There's a simple reason why Fallout: New Vegas out-nukes the rest - developer Obsidian took the Fallout 3 formula and merged it with some of the fan-favourite components Bethesda jettisoned when it took the series into 3D.

The new Mojave Desert setting was a more vibrant place than the Capital Wasteland before it and the warring factions its hosts makes it a more meaningful place to live in.

The return of the reputation system, which dictated how said factions reacted to the player, was a welcome inclusion which won back old-school fans who didn't think Fallout 3 was their cup of Nuka-Cola, and Hardcore mode was a RPG purist's dream.

New Vegas felt like a glorious homecoming, given that members of the Obsidian development team were a part of Black Isle when it was making Fallout games in the 1990s, and their in-depth knowledge of what makes these game work shone through.

The best of old and new collided in New Vegas and the result was the standout entry in a series that has captured fans' imaginations since the mid-1990s.

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