Ranking The Games & Movies Of Kingdom Hearts: All-in-One Package Worst To Best

2. Kingdom Hearts II

Kingdom Hearts All In One Package
Square Enix

For years regarded by fans as the best Kingdom Hearts game, Kingdom Hearts II is inarguably amazing. Overly long Roxas prologue aside, it takes everything that made the first Kingdom Hearts good and makes it great. The worlds you explore are more creative, the combat is more polished, and the difficulty spikes are less punishing.

This is the game where Kingdom Hearts became the juggernaut it is today. In many ways it is also able to be a complete story, giving a singular arc and an emotionally satisfying ending, while also being the point where the series goes full tilt on the insanity. This was the game where they started really introducing all the craziness that would become a staple going forth, for better and for worse.

Most important of all though, it’s a fun and memorable game full of exciting sequences and heartfelt moments that will genuinely stick with you. Anyone who played this game as a kid has their favorite moments and their favorite worlds that stick with them in the recesses of their nostalgia. And yes, anyone who played this as an adult has their new memories to cherish as well.

So why isn’t it number one? Because this is a look at how the games rank now as a complete collection. If this were a ranking based on nostalgia and memories, Kingdom Hearts II would make the top of this list and so many others. But if you rank them based on the standards of 2020, it doesn't quite cut it. It’s a great game, but there’s just one that’s better.


Gamer, film lover, penguin collector. Lives in the midwestern US with his girlfriend and a pile of Blu-rays/video games/books/comics tall enough to reach halfway to the moon.