Red Dead Online - 10 Essential Updates Rockstar MUST Add

Does Rockstar have a plan? Do we all need to have some goddamn faith?

Red Dead Online Outlaw Update

Red Dead Redemption 2 is undoubtedly a fantastic game. This wild west third-person shooter is full of action. Or at least, the single-player mode is; with very slow and spaced out content updates coming to its online counterpart.

There are, of course, missions that players can complete; handed to them by a new set of characters, as well as some familiar faces that they're sure to recognise. Roles have been slowly drip fed to players as a way of earning money and keeping busy. But, what we've been given is still not much.

With GTA Online receiving monthly updates nearly 7 years down the line (bringing new cars and clothes, as well as game modes), it's surprising to see how little Rockstar's latest game has had added to it.

Not to sound unappreciative, as the roles add depth and are crafted pretty nicely. However most players can agree that after a few short hours they're left with very little to do with their time.

Resorting to the player vs player modes included in the online mode isn't something everyone wants to do; some just want to mosey around the old west and enjoy ourselves.

10. Ranches

Red Dead Online Outlaw Update

Grand Theft Auto online had its fair share of properties and Red Dead online desperately needs some of that love. Yeah, the likes of a biker gang or cocaine warehouse won't be fitting, but a ranch would be perfect.

Being able to manage livestock as well as exporting animal products very much fits in with the time period. Not to mention it would give players quite a lot to do; something really important if you want a consistent playerbase.

In the epilogue of the main campaign (beware, spoilers are following) we were given a glimpse of what life on a ranch would be like. Being in charge of milking cows, calming bulls and feeding the animals presented players with what could be a calming gameplay loop.

Of course, as with everything, this could soon become boring and tedious. But if done well, and combined with others tasks or activities, it could scratch an itch for those who want something to sink some time into.

All of this could be made even better if upgrades were thrown into the mix. The moonshiner role allowed the peddlers of the wild west to upgrade their stills and produce a variety of different flavours of moonshine. Just imagine all the possibilities with a much more in-depth role.


From studying Psychology at university to writing around a 9-5, the one constant? My love for videogames, big or small.