Red Dead Online - 10 Essential Updates Rockstar MUST Add

9. Additional Minigames

Red Dead Online Outlaw Update

Not too long ago we were graced with the addition of online poker. This was very much a step in the right direction, and gave a larger variety to the types of activities available. But, it isn't quite enough.

With horse races now being inhabited by mainly AFK players trying to get some free xp, as well as the showdown series not being everyone's cup of tea, there is little to do that isn't just collecting materials or driving wagons of goods to buyers. There is only so much hunting and delivering one can do before getting tired.

Luckily blackjack, dominoes and five finger fillet are already programmed in the game; meaning that it's entirely possible for them to be added to online. Plus with a studio as big as Rockstar games they surely must be able to provide substantial updates that broaden the amount of things to do.

Horse breaking, cattle rustling, sheep herding or just about anything else could be made into a side activity similar to the freemode events. However, making them accessible at any time would be much more preferable. The existing events could even be added to a playlist so players can access them at anytime; with rewards slightly reduced if their payouts are an issue.


Studied psychology at university, but it just wasn't my cup of tea. Instead, I'm pursuing a career in games journalism and I'm excited to see where it takes me.