Red Dead Online - 10 Essential Updates Rockstar MUST Add

8. Heists

Red Dead Online Outlaw Update

The story mode had players taking on a number of daring heists in order to acquire money and support their camp-mates. This puts players in a similar position as when they started GTA online; with the stickups being offline experiences only.

Bank robberies are the obvious choice for if heists were to be implemented. Imagine riding into town with a posse of your friends and holding up a bank; while emptying the pockets of the unfortunate civilians who just wanted to store their measly work earnings.

Being able to plan the whole thing step-by-step would allow for a number of approaches and outcomes. Demonstrating just how well they can work with the most recent casino heist, Rockstar could easily produce exciting and intricate robberies.

Even smaller businesses could fall victim. The oil company near Valentine is ripe pickings, as well as the variety of gambling dens and stores within Saint Denis. There is no shortage of possible targets; even more so for a gang of resourceful outlaws.

Larger scale missions such as these are needed. Although interesting, the current online story was cut short and provided very little replayablity.


From studying Psychology at university to writing around a 9-5, the one constant? My love for videogames, big or small.