Red Dead Online: 10 Tips For Levelling Up & Getting Rich Fast

6. Gang Hideouts

Red Dead Redemption 2

In games like Red Dead, there's often nothing better to do than go on a mass rampage, so why not do it for a reason other than your pathological hatred for civilians?

Gang hideouts are an extremely easy way to both earn some extra cash, and rank up quickly. You gain a good bit of XP from completely the hideouts, but you also earn extra by killing the individual enemies. Upon completion of the hideout, you can also loot the bodies, adding even more money and XP to your character.

In addition, your method for murdering these people can also give you extra bonuses. For example, you'll earn more from gaining a kill via headshot or by using an arrow as opposed to just any old gunshot to the body. Be tactical, don't just go in all guns blazing.

Obviously, it makes much more sense to complete these hideouts with at least one posse member to ensure the process doesn't take up too much time. Doing so will speed up the time it takes to murder everyone there, and then you can move on to another hideout. If you're lucky enough, you could come across multiple hideouts within one session.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.