Red Dead Online DLC - 9 Things Undead Nightmare Must Include

6. Cursed Treasure Hunt

Red Dead Undead

Rockstar is certainly no stranger to having its Players search high and low for a bunch of different collectables, usually dangling a fairly sizeable reward at the end of it. Treasure hunting is as much a part of the Red Dead series as something like horses or Deadeye are, so a new Undead Nightmare would likely have its own hidden gems tucked away.

Most recently, the latest updates for Grand Theft Auto have hidden playing cards, action figures, comic books, treasure, even bounty targets across the arid lands of Blaine County and bustling streets of Los Santos. Each of these complete sets offers the Player a reward of in-game money or experience (sometimes both) or a unique reward like the Stone Hatchet, High Roller suit, or Double-Action Revolver.

The original Undead Nightmare had it’s own treasure hunt, giving Players items like bait and ammo rather than outright cash, but being linked to Red Dead Online may mean that Rockstar has to think of a shinier carrot to put on the stick.

Something like an outfit with passive bonuses or fancy new six-shooter wouldn’t go a miss.


A lover of video games, Star Wars, and cereal. Thinks Starfox Adventures was really good.