Red Dead Rebellion: 10 Most Believable Rumours We Want To Be True

10. The Name

So let's get that name out of the way. In scouring the internet for anything concrete in terms of press releases or interview slip-ups the only thing that remains a constant is that the game won't be called 'Red Dead Redemption 2'. Instead it can be assumed from the switch between Revolver to Redemption previously, Rockstar will continue tradition this time around. Although it must be said Red Dead Redemption has a hell of a lot of weight these days when anybody mentions it, so they could continue down that path for the sake of brand recognition. The name that everyone seems to be settling on for now is 'Rebellion', which as any who've finished Redemption will know, could mean it factors into the main narrative in a huge way. We'll elaborate on the inner workings of the title's significance over the following points, but as Zelnick mentioned the series is a "permanent franchise", so at some point they'll have to start numbering them, surely? Another potential title that's floating around the internet is Red Dead Revenge, which definitely has more bite to it, but we think Rockstar can do better. Which direction would you take in naming the third instalment?
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