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9. A Grand Theft Auto V-Sized World

This one is pretty much a given after the phenomenal success of GTA V, proving to Rockstar's powerhouse development team that putting that much effort into just a game's world can be fully appreciated by consumers. For the most part Redemption's world - although extremely expansive and tone-setting - was restrained in terms of scope by the trappings of the time-period itself. We all loved hopping on our steeds to traverse the back o' beyond whilst offing a couple of random bandits along the way, but the challenge will be to take the heft of GTA V's scope and apply it to such an initially barren landscape. Will that mean more detailed interiors? Incredibly complex character models? Perhaps destructible environments that remain in a state of repair depending on how much firepower you put into them? Time will tell, but the setting itself is going to dictate how much of a challenge Rockstar will face in making something like the Old West feel like it belongs on next-gen hardware.
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