Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Iconic Western Characters You Must Create

8. Dolores (Westworld)

Red Dead Overwatch Ashe

If you want to play as a female character in Red Dead Online (Which can make for a good change of pace after three games as men), the recent customisation update has been kind to you, widening your options.

The Western genre as a whole though isn’t exactly fertile ground for classic characters. Most Western women tend to be Southern belles or prostitutes. There’s some real like examples like Annie Oakley or Calamity Jane, but with no distinguishing clothes for those two you’re pretty much just making those for your own benefit.

Which, by the way, is absolutely fine, but if you want a recognisable pop culture avatar, Dolores has your back; though it’s pretty much the first time she’s had anyone’s but her own.

Dolores is the central character of modern sci fi Western, Westworld. She’s one of TV’s most morally complex individuals, but also one of its most simple. She lives to kill. She kills to live.

You’ll struggle to capture Evan Rachel Woods’ distinct sociopathic expression, but with long blonde hair, the default dress in blue (minus the waistcoat) and any of the rifles, you’ll pull off the look well enough.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)