Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Leaked Details You Need To Know

1. You'll Build The Ranch From RDR1

red dead redemption ranch

The final part of the leak delves into what Redemption 2's new Marston-controlled endgame will be: Building the ranch for both you and Abigail that gets raided at the close of the 2010 story.

"There [are] lots of quests etc dealing with building up your ranch. You literally will do X and Z to build a gazebo."

Whether there are other dangling threads of plot potential to lap up is anybody's guess (the entire decision to kill Edgar Ross was done of your own accord in RDR1), but as it stands, the poster described how we'd still have to partake in various missions and resource-gathering quests, to construct a home and start a family.

Perhaps RDR2 will directly tie into the first game's timeline by having young Jack be born at the beginning of this content, then a telegram calls John away to the fateful meeting that sees him board the train at the beginning of Red Dead Redemption?

Here's hoping.

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