Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Mind-Blowing Details You Totally Missed

1. The Hungry Pups

Red Dead Redemption 2 Ice Skater

Red Dead isn't all doom and gloom though. There are a few heartwarming details to be found throughout the game.

Fans have always praised the level of detail Rockstar has put into the wildlife from their anatomy to their interactions with each other.

Birds can swoop in to catch a river snake, wolves will mourn their dead, and we all know about the most talked-about detail with horses. One of the more adorable details though comes from the common dogs that can be found roaming the streets without a care in the world.

Most towns feature a loveable mutt to pet but there's one detail that outshines the rest.

When traveling to places like Rhodes it is possible to find a dog waiting patiently just outside of the general store window. Delving inside to see what it is the dog could be looking at will reveal a string of sausages placed tantalisingly out of reach.

One of the resident pooches in Tumbleweed can also be seen begging the local butcher for scraps too!

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