Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Mind-Blowing Details You Totally Missed

2. The Lakay Rituals

Red Dead Redemption 2 Ice Skater

Just like the cave paintings and carvings, the swamps of Lakay have their own haunting symbols.

All throughout the swamp, there are multiple different markings on trees and inside some of the huts. These same symbols can be found once more in West Elizabeth at the site of a horribly mutilated corpse displayed in a sacrificial ritual. The player can also collect the horned skull from the corpse to wear and freak out the locals.

Whatever happened there seems to have wound up in Lemoyne with a similar skull appearing in one of the destroyed buildings.

It could be that these symbols and rituals are linked to the Night Folk, a rare type of NPC that are extremely hostile and roam the swamps at night. You can even find victims of the Night Folk strung up in trees or mutilated, which could confirm their involvement.


Sugar, spice, and an over abundance of Star Wars references, these were the ingredients chosen to make this content creator.