Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Mind-Blowing Details You Totally Missed

8. The Other Crashed Airship

Red Dead Redemption 2 Ice Skater

One of the stranger missions from the first Red Dead introduced players to Charles Kinnear in Mexico.

The young scientist asks John to help in making his latest model of a flying machine. Sadly, after returning with the required materials, Kinnear decides to do a test flight himself and plummets to his death.

At some point prior to this during the events of Red Dead Redemption 2, Kinnear must have had a slightly less deadly experience as a crashed airship with his name can be found in a similar location in New Austin.

It seems as though Kinnear isn't the only craftsman obsessed with flight, however. A pedal-powered airship can be found crashed in the tall trees of West Elizabeth.

Similar to Kinnear's eventual fate, the woman piloting this makeshift contraption also perished along with her creation.


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