Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Mind-Blowing Secrets & Theories You Need To Know

7. The Strange Man's Return

The Strange Man himself isn’t a theory - he’s in Red Dead Redemption 2 just as he was in the first. However, his role in the main story this time is better exemplified by the blind soothsayer who offers cryptic predictions of your fate if you put some coins in his cup.

You have to work a little harder to find him, but The Strange Man himself is back again. In a shack in Lemoyne, you’ll find a painting of a silhouette. If you revisit the shack later, the silhouette has been revealed as The Strange Man, and you’ll see his apparition in the mirror behind you.

In RDR1, there were theories that he may be God, the Devil or John’s conscience. All three could still be true, though it would be strange for Arthur’s conscience to be so elusive and to look the same as John’s.

In fact, the Strange Man’s era-appropriate outfit suggests that if he is God, he’s able to change his appearance at will. Why would their vision of divinity be the same? Perhaps the Strange Man, God or Devil, takes the idealised appearance of the man both men admire most: one Dutch van der Linde.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)