Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Mind-Blowing Secrets & Theories You Need To Know

6. Undead Nightmare Will Return At Pleasance

Red Dead Redemption 2 Undead Nightmare

This may just be the over active imaginations of players desperate for another Undead Nightmare, but there’s definitely something unpleasant going down in Pleasance. The door to the settlement is boarded up with the message ‘Stay Out! Plague’, which is heavily reminiscent of The Walking Dead’s ‘Don’t Open, Dead Inside’.

As well as that, around the town there’s scrawled graffiti reading ‘Unclean Sinners’ and ‘Ill With Sin’ too. Whether or not it’s actually zombies, there’s certainly something rotten in the state of Pleasance.

There seems to be no real pay off for this in the game, but then Rockstar does love bringing it’s open world to life in ways the players can’t ever influence. Also, there’s an unrelated side mission where a mining company has let toxins loose in a lake and turned a small settlement into deranged lunatics; it’s not unreasonable to think that something similar may have happened in Pleasance.

All in all though, if thinking there’s zombies in Pleasance adds to the possiblity of getting an Undead Nightmare 2 scenario, that’s more than enough for fans to follow this theory blindly.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)