Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Most Believable Plot Theories You Need To Know

4. It'll (Sort Of) Be A Prequel To Mafia 3

red dead redemption 2 map

Thanks to that leaked map released back in mid-2016, players may already have a decent idea of what kind of open world they'll have to explore. However, it wasn't until certain people examined the map closely that they discovered that some of the listed locations have the same names as locations in Mafia 3 (another 2K-published game). This would imply that RDR2 has, in some way, a direct connection to Mafia 3.

In terms of the story or RDR2's characters, this connection remains unclear. Outside of the games taking place in the same location spatially, would Rockstar be interested in including an ancestor/distant relative of a Mafia 3 character? Another possibility is that it could involve some elements of racial tension like Mafia 3 had, except it could deal more with the Native American struggles in a predominantly white Old West.

In the end, if this even turns out to be true, it'll likely amount to a cool easter egg and little else. A signature Lincoln Clay jacket and haircut would be a nice touch as well.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.