Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Reasons It's The Best Game Ever Made

4. Pacing

Arthur Morgan

Many of the complaints flogged at Red Dead Redemption 2 stemmed from the game's slow pace. Gamers didn't want to endure the slow prologue that introduced the cast while hampering your access to the world.

They didn't like the lack of fast travel, that there's a skinning animation for every animal; that your beard grows in real time or that the game is just really long.

However, the pacing is, in fact, perfect. Unlike most video games, the main story never compels you to move forward; no impetus to save the princess or such. Instead, it allows you to take the missions at your own pace and still experience the sweeping tale.

If you want to hunt animals or find dream-catchers for a few hours, the game never nudges you to get back to the main story. When you do return to the story though, it's a scrupulously paced masterpiece that feels the exact right length. In a world where everyone seeks the instant gratification of Fortnite, Red Dead demands you slow down, stick on some headphones and play for several hours.

The slow-burn story makes the highs higher and the lows soul-crushing. A pace perfectly befitting of a western.


Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.