Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Single Player Expansions We'd LOVE To See

5. Red Dead Redemption Remaster

Red Dead Redemption 2

Would this be a long shot? Who knows? But I'll tell you this: it'd be amazing, and we should all keep our fingers crossed.

This would - admittedly - be a pretty serious undertaking (presumably - I don't know the ins and outs of the remastering process). Ideally, Rockstar would polish up the graphics, smooth out the gameplay, and add in some dialogue about Arthur, even if it's in passing. Sure, the lack of references to Arthur can be chocked up to John being regretful about the way things shook out. Still, it'd be nice to hear his name. After all, John wouldn't have gotten out at all had it not been for Arthur.

Imagine how nice it would be to play through the entirety of Red Dead Redemption 2, and then dive right into the events of the first game. You could play them both as one big, back-to-back, interconnected experience. Admit it: playing the first game hits different ever since you played the second game. It adds so much more weight to the stories John tells, the barbs he exchanges with Javier, Bill, and Dutch, and, arguably most of all, Jack's decision to follow in his father's footsteps.


Dustin is your friendly neighborhood historian, nerd culture enthusiast, and professional wise-ass. Some of his favorite pastimes include writing, philosophizing, and antagonizing stupid people.