Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Single Player Expansions We'd LOVE To See

6. Charles Epilogue

Red Dead Redemption 2

Charles is one of the most beloved characters to come out of Red Dead Redemption 2. He was the best right-hand man you could ever ask for. He was a loyal friend, but not to a fault. He was a man with a code and a clearly defined moral compass.

A Charles epilogue would have to be very limited in scope. After the death of Eagle Flies, he helped the Wapiti pack up and move to Canada. He eventually came back and spent some time as a prizefighter in Saint Denis, and after helping John take out Micah, he left to Canada once more.

Those Canada days are out. Rockstar wouldn't make an entirely new map just for a DLC. That leaves his prizefighting days, or the events IMMEDIATELY following the attack on Cornwall Kerosene & Tar. A Charles DLC could explore his efforts to get the Wapiti out of Ambarino (which would keep Rockstar from having to create a new map), possibly butting heads with what remains of the U.S. Army.

Alternatively, we could see how he got hooked up with former Angelo Bronte underling, Guido Martelli, in Saint Denis. Either way, anything that gives us more Charles would be more than welcome.


Dustin is your friendly neighborhood historian, nerd culture enthusiast, and professional wise-ass. Some of his favorite pastimes include writing, philosophizing, and antagonizing stupid people.