Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Things Nobody Wants To Admit

8. There's An Insurmountable Amount Much Hype

Red Dead Redemption 2 Gun

Understandably, major gaming sites are already tripping over themselves to release any juicy new details about Red Dead 2. Why wouldn't they? The first game was a smash hit, brilliantly introduced a new IP for one of gaming's most cherished developers and was soaked in quality from start to finish.

That doesn't mean this sequel (sorry, prequel) will follow suit.

The way the world is talking, RDR2 is already the greatest game ever made. Let's just cool the hype for a moment and let the game breathe. Nobody will know until they actually play it just how good this one is. Yes, Rockstar's history is rather prolific, but they've settled into a groove with other franchises like GTA.

Red Dead? Not so much. This is only the second game in the series since they took Red Dead Revolver, souped it up Hollywood style and went open world. Keeping one's opinions open is all well and good, though gamers should be mindful not to believe RDR2 will revolutionise the medium.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.