Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Things Nobody Wants To Admit

7. What If There's Nothing New?

Red dead redemption 2

To that point, what if Rockstar decide to rest on their laurels and release something that people will eventually bemoan as a re-skin of the first game, only with GTA 5's multi-protagonist feature and better graphics?

The 'Dead Eye' ability in the first Redemption was terrific, and it's likely to stay. As will the 'Strangers & Freaks' idea. That's now ingrained in Rockstar's fabric, worked a treat in GTA 5 to break up the action and was a Red Dead original in 2010. Aside from that, there's a chance the new game will be more of the same.

Gamers championing Red Dead Redemption 2 as the be all, end all on social media don't want to acknowledge this fear. It's easy to get excited without looking at how flawless much of the first game's gameplay was, or how those making it have already established a winning formula.

Even if it doesn't add anything, RDR2 will still be fun. It might not be the totally 'new' experience some are looking for however.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.