Red Dead Redemption 2: 11 Most Shocking Story Moments

1. Arthur's Death

Red Dead Ending

Arthur Morgan is Rockstar's single greatest protagonist. Sorry, not sorry.

Not only does he eclipse Marston in a great many ways (although great credit must be given to the story for adding further depth to his character), depending on how you play him, he becomes one of the few genuine heroes found in the studio's titles. There's darkness there, of course, but by the time Arthur is diagnosed with Tuberculosis, should the player wish to, he'll embark on a genuine act of redemption - he dies, so that Marston and the rest of the gang can live.

It's a noble sacrifice, one best conveyed by the 'good' ending (if your honour falls below 50%, brace yourself for a thoroughly despicable closing sequence), and is mirrored by John in the epilogue. Arthur dies watching the sunrise, and John lives for the first time in years by watching the same thing - it's beautifully poetic. Heartbreaking - yes - but beautiful all the same.

But back to the death. Arthur struggles and fights with Micah until he can't draw another breath, and then rolls over to observe the sunrise, content in the knowledge that "John got out." He is later buried by Charles Smith and, should the player visit the grave, they'll find a message that sums up Morgan in a nutshell: "For those who hunger and thirst for righteousness."

Love you, Big M.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.