Red Dead Redemption 2: 15 Disturbing Secrets & Locations You Totally Missed

10. The Mystery Of Emerald Ranch

On the surface, Emerald Ranch looks like any other unassuming little village. Comprised of only a couple houses, a nearby train station and a fence, you'll have no doubt found yourself travelling through countless times on your adventures - all the while being totally oblivious to the sinister secrets lurking behind closed doors.

If you listen closely to dialogue from people you pick up in the nearby area, they'll spout tales of an underbelly hidden in the ranch, daughters trapped in houses, a blood-stained saloon and old timers who'll threaten you if you even step foot on their property. Nobody quite knows why Emerald Ranch is the way it is, but it has all the signs of a storied past.

And if you start investigating yourself, it's unnerving to say the least. You'll be able to spot the much-discussed daughter pacing in her house at night, while all the boarded up shops give off the feeling of a ghost town waiting to happen.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3