Red Dead Redemption 2: 16 Essential Gameplay Secrets You Need To Know

1. The Compendium Is Where All Your Gear Stats Are Hidden

Red Dead Redemption 2 Compendium

Unlike an Ubisoft game - which will throw "+2%" incremental stat upgrades your way before you can say "Season Pass" - RDR2 appears to be devoid of such things, instead favouring a meter-based system that easily showcases range, damage etc.

However, if you're a sucker for analysing just how much bang you're getting for your buck; just exactly what each gear piece, weapon or item of clothing is doing to Arthur, hit pause and open the Compendium.

Here's where you'll find all the data many other games frontload. It gives you the option of being a stat-cruncher, rather than making progression feel like a math test.


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