Red Dead Redemption 2: 8 Reasons You Should Be Worried 

2. It's Rumoured That There's Trouble In The Development Studio

Red Dead Redemption 2 Morgan

According to leaks, the development of the upcoming Red Dead sequel hasn't gone smoothly. With internal conflicts, the resignation of key personnel and the success of GTA V leading to a huge amount of added pressure, production on the game has apparently been a nightmare.

However, the main problem seems to be that the dev team hasn't brought enough to the table when it comes to RDR 2. As previously mentioned, a lot of the confirmed features so far aren't new to the series, and after eight years players are expecting a huge new Western experience rather than just more of the same.

The Rockstar higher ups are apparently aware of this too, and have been leaning on the team to add more into the game to distinguish it from its predecessor. Unfortunately, poor vertical slice demos haven't impressed.

Hopefully the delay will allow the studio to sort out the kinks and the problems that have been haunting the development of the title, but the conflicts within Rockstar could indicate that there's something fundamentally wrong at the core of the anticipated sequel.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3