Red Dead Redemption 2: Ranking Every Weapon From Worst To Best

12. Dynamite

Red Dead Redemption 2 Weapons
Rockstar Games

As many players will remember, some of the most destructive fun to be had in Rockstar's previous game, Grand Theft Auto V, came in the form of the game's many explosive weapons. And while sticky bombs, grenades, RPGs and Gas Tankers were feasible in the modern-set GTA V, they're not so much so in the year 1899.

Enter RDR 2's dynamite. A weapon with more uses than simply blowing up lawmen, bounty hunters, or the Ku Klux Klan. These explosives can be additionally used to open the various safes and lockboxes to be found by a more... thieving breed of cowboy.

A powerful weapon that can clear out dozens of enemies with a good aim and sharp timing, as well as unlock the tightest of cash boxes for the player, no respectabhle outlaw would be caught dead without a few sticks of TNT in their satchel.


Writer, film fan, lover of Spider-Man, defender of Max Payne 3 and STILL not quite over Steve Irwin. See me try to be funny on twitter @NokesyPokesy