Red Dead Redemption 2 Trailer: 9 Gameplay Details You Totally Missed

1. Horses As More Than Transport

Red Dead Redemption 2 Horse

One of the most interesting new mechanics present in Red Dead Redemption 2 is just how much players are going to have to rely on their horse to get pretty much anything done. Not only are there different breeds which allow you to get around the world faster like in the original, but this time around the horse is essentially going to be your inventory; the place where you store your weapons and game you've hunted to trade in at shops.

Of course, you can't simply throw everything on the animal and expect it to be fine with it, meaning every resource you come across has a sense of risk/reward attached to it. You can only put so much on your pal before bringing it back to town, and if you get attacked on the way and the horse dies, then you can say goodbye to all the resources you'd collected out in the wild.

Even better though, this all links into the relationship Rockstar are attempting to forge between the player and their companion, having to rely on them to accomplish anything. Consequently, if you end up getting them killed, you're not only going to be lamenting your lost progress, but also the bond you'd formed with the animal.


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