Red Dead Redemption 2 Wishlist: 9 Features We Want To See

8. Expanded Hunting And Trading Mechanics

Red Dead Redemption 2 Online

Hunting animals and trading goods in the original Red Dead was excellent, and unlike some other games released at the time, felt like a natural way for your character to gain the resources needed to upgrade their weapons and abilities.

Going forward however, Rockstar needs to expand on this if they want Red Dead to stay relevant - especially considering the surge of survival-based games on the market. Since 2011's Redemption, hunting, crafting and trading have become huge parts of open world games, and the devs need to innovate in this area to flesh out this aspect of gameplay, whilst retaining the fun of the original system.

Rockstar will no doubt be looking to boost the economy and customisation options of their next game, and an engrossing hunting and trading system could be a vital way for players to personalise and express themselves within the world.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3