Red Dead Redemption 2 Wishlist: 9 Features We Want To See

7. Brutal Finishers

Red Dead Redemption 2 Online

Rockstar have always made extremely violent games, but more often than not the violence gets away with being so over the top because of the way it's filtered through the developer's distinctive comedic tone and style.

However, Red Dead Redemption 2 is set before the titular redemption of John Marston in the first game, which saw him atoning for his years spent killing and pillaging as an outlaw of the Old West.

Because of this prequel setting the game really needs to dig into why his gang was so feared in the first place, and focusing on more explicitly violent gameplay and brutal finishers would go a long way in giving players a glimpse into the gang's violent history while at the same time complementing the crimes we saw them commit in the original release.

By giving you the ability to perform brutal finishers as John or another member of the gang, Rockstar could serve to re-contextualise the redemptive events of the first game, and could actually make us reflect on that title's protagonist as being a darker and more flawed character than we first thought.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3