Red Dead Redemption 3: 10 Things Rockstar MUST Do

1. Legacy Characters

Red Dead Redemption 3 Bounty Hunter

Finally, something everyone will want to see return in Red Dead Redemption 3, is the characters from the previous games.

As previously mentioned, Arthur Morgan and John Marston have risen to legendary status in the gaming world. To see them or anyone of the characters from both games return for RDR3 would be fantastic.

The possibilities are endless. Rockstar could base the next game solely around the events of older character’s previous events. RDR3 could see the story of a younger Dutch or Hosea perhaps? Or if they decide to set the story after RDR, we could find out what happened to an adult Jack Marston.

If the legacy characters end up not to be playable, it would still be a nice touch to interact with them in some way. Maybe as side mission NPCs or key story characters? Even to hear some familiar names mentioned in passing would please a lot of fans.

It all depends on where Red Dead Redemption 3 takes place too. If locations like Hennigan’s Stead and Donner Falls are back on the map then it would only be right to pay a visit to the MacFarlanes and Wapiti Natives once again.

The characters in the Red Dead series are all-time favourites and to see them appear in RDR3 would be the icing on the cake.


What do you think Rockstar MUST do in Red Dead Redemption 3? Let us know in the comments below!

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