Red Dead Redemption 3 - 10 Ways To Make The Perfect Sequel

9. Give Us A Reason To Be Bad

red dead redemption 3

Why would you play as a bad guy in RDR2? There's really only one answer: Because you can.

You don't get anything for making the bad choices. Sure, you may come away with monetary compensation here and there, but there's no real, in-world positive to being a fiend.

The law chases you down, people are scared of you, and then you suffer a bitter, heartbreaking ending (which is fitting). It would be nice to see Red Dead Redemption 3 explore the "positives" of being truly merciless, something that could be a perfect fit for a certain setting (which I'll get to later).

People may look the other way when you commit crimes. Shopkeepers could either give you stuff for free, or flee their businesses in terror at the sight of you, leaving you to thin their inventory at your leisure.

Other outlaws might steer clear of you out of respect and fear. Local cutthroat businessmen and politicians might be more inclined to hire you for a high-paying job, befitting of those with low moral character.

Whatever the case may be, it'd be nice to see some real pros to being a bad guy.


Dustin is your friendly neighborhood historian, nerd culture enthusiast, and professional wise-ass. Some of his favorite pastimes include writing, philosophizing, and antagonizing stupid people.