Red Dead Redemption: Every Villain Ranked From Worst To Best

3. Agent Ross

RED DEAD redemption dutch

The first Red Dead Redemption saw John Marston hunt down the surviving members of his old gang; and while his mission was successful there was still one gang member the Government hadn't put six feet in the ground. Want to take a guess who that was?

Agent Edgar Ross is a disliked figure for many reasons, and like the concept of Agent Milton, his actions might seem justified if his manner wasn't so obtuse and disgusting. Agent Ross takes Abigail and Jack from John and forces the former outlaw to hunt down his old gang; otherwise his wife and son will face jail-time or worse. Ross' entitled demands of John already set him up as a hateful man, but when John finally kills Dutch, there is a moment where Ross dangles terror and devastation in John's face by joking about the death of Abigail; just to screw with John.

But the Marston family is reunited and there's a happy ending right? Wrong! As Ross descends on Beecher's Hope with US Marshalls by his side, the final major shootout ensues. The fact that Ross went back on the deal proves his hatefulness, and the true villain of RDR is revealed. But years passes, and just like RDR2, a score has to be settled. And so Jack Marston tracks down the retired Edgar Ross, and avenges his father.

Because Ross is so slimy, so reprehensible, and so unapologetic; it makes him all the better a villain to put six heavy bullets in.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!