Resident Evil: 10 Best Movie Characters 

9. Rain Ocampo

Alice Resident Evil Retribution
Screen Gems

Portrayed By: Michelle Rodriguez

Appeared In: Resident Evil, Retribution

Michelle Rodriguez has got herself quite the reputation as the tough girl of action films, and her Resident Evil days are no exception. Lasting until the very end of the first film, Rodriguez’s Rain Ocampo got a spectacular farewell by succumbing to the T-Virus and causing yet more trouble for Alice as one of the franchise's first "tough decision" mercy kills. In a franchise so well-known for its powerful women, Rain stands up against the likes of Ada and Alice.

Like the infamous Vasquez from James Cameron's Aliens, Rain was the smart-talking and skilled marksman, who sadly became more cannon fodder. Rain's entry on the list is thanks to her dual return as a civilian and evil version in Retribution.

Juggling being both good and bad, and with yet more gory goodbyes, "Bad Rain" got the film's greatest demise by being dragged to a watery grave by frozen zombies. However, no one will beat the original incarnation of the fiery female who became Alice's best bud in 2002's Resident Evil.


Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap