Resident Evil 2: 7 Ups & 3 Downs

2. Up: All-Encompassing Atmosphere

resident evil 2

This series, at its best, could keep you gripped and sweating for hours on end because you never knew what horrors could be heading your direction. Capcom maintains this fear of the unknown through their use of light (or lack thereof), as well as a strong unpredictability factor when it came to hostile presences.

There was no telling where/when an enemy would attack, but you could count on them getting a solid jump on you before you have time to defend yourself. Resident Evil 2 is careful when it comes to the atmosphere and tone it establishes. After all, if they commit to over-the-top super mutants like more recent RE titles did too soon, the haunting feel of the game's locations could easily be lost. Any new, crazy enemy types are introduced gradually and appropriately, only when the game needs to find that logical next step in the gameplay and in the stakes of the story.

Every pitch-black hallway and room feels like an opportunity for some horrific sights and encounters. With only a flashlight to guide you and audio cues that take the form of horrific monster/zombie noises (major props to the sound design team), you'll rarely feel at ease.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.