Resident Evil 2: 9 Things To Look Forward To

8. A New Perspective

Resident Evil 2

The biggest and most prominent change to this is also the most obvious: no more fixed camera.

Often seen as the marmite opinion of the series, fans are always split on whether fixed camera angles and static backgrounds either added to the tension or hampered the game in many ways. Well, that and tank controls, but some things you just can't decide on.

That has been put to rest this time around, and instead favours the over-the-shoulder approach first adopted in Resident Evil 4 (which also featured Leon, coincidentally). With new graphical and engine power comes the ability to fully render environments in 3D, and Capcom have taking the modern approach of OTS to allow players to fully explore their environments.

Some say it may detract from the tension of not being able to see what's ahead, or around a corner. Others feel that OTS will create the tension with a limited field of view when aiming, much like Dead Space emulated from RE4.

Horror, being purely subjective, will never be agreed upon which is better. But given the success of OTS game in the wake of RE4, this can only be seen as a progressive inclusion to the title.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.