Resident Evil 2 Remake: 10 Things It Got WRONG

1. Adding Mr. X To The "A" Campaigns

Resident Evil 2 Leon Sad

Right, before you start with the comments and flaming torches, hear us out.

In no way is the-never-actually-mentioned-as Mr. X a detraction to the survival horror. There is nothing more unnerving than hearing those big stomping feet looming in on where you are to flatten you into the ground. It's like Capcom took the Alien: Isolation concept, put Doc Martens on the xenomorph so you could hear it coming and yet made it more terrifying than that sounds.

However, throwing him in to the mix after about an hour is such a jarring change in tone that it can really bring a halt to your progress.

Back in t'day, he was only introduced in the B campaign, as an addendum to the challenge. Y'see, B campaign (or 2nd scenario as it now is) was meant as a sideline story to the A campaign you'd just finished. Events running parallel/slightly behind the main story, Mr. X was there to make life harder for you without detracting from the main story.

This time around, it seems his inclusion is to ramp the tension up from the get go, as if we didn't have enough to deal with already?

The counterpoint being that without him it would make the RCPD boring, but him being introduced and having no bearing on the story just smacks of "Here's some escalation, deal with it" for shock value so early on.

So there we are. There are ten missteps that the Resident Evil 2 remake took on its way back to the top. Did we miss any? Let us know in the comments below:


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.