Resident Evil 2 Remake: 10 Things It Got WRONG

2. Little Story Change Between 1st And 2nd Campaigns

Resident Evil 2 Leon Sad

When originally released on its two-disc format in the way back when of 1998, players initially thought it just a capacity issue, much like the Final Fantasy's and such.

Upon discovery that it was each individual character's story, it was seen as a vastly impressive feat (at the time). So, when it was discovered further that each character had two separate narratives, essentially four different stories, our minds were blown.

Finishing one character's first story let you play as the other character in a behind the scenes-style playthrough, answering questions as to why they'd show up in the first story at those times. Gameplay itself was tweaked, in that puzzles were rotated or changed entirely, or different areas were available. Even certain weapons and items were unavailable if picked up in the first story.

However, it seems that there is little change this time around between the two. The first apparent one is early on in the RCPD, in that Officer Branagh has already transformed by the time you "meet" him. Otherwise, most of the events still run the same as the first scenarios do.

Whether down to time constraints or technical issues, it seems a shame not to expand and flesh out the 2nd scenarios instead of being a "more of the same" retread of the first.

That being said, it is the only way to experience the proper ending to the game, so don't deny yourself that privilege.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.