Resident Evil 3: 10 Major CHANGES From The Original

8. Project Resistance

resident evil 3 nemesis

One of the biggest changes to the game comes in the form of a five-player online experience called Project Resistance. In this, four college kids are taken prisoner by an Umbrella "mastermind", being locked in a monster and trap-filled facility.

Players take the role of either Tyrone (a tank character who can boost his teammate's defence), Valerie (a healer who is better at finding items than others), Samuel (a fighter type who can wreck zombies close up) and January (a hacker who can shut down the mastermind's gadgets and traps).

The fifth player takes the role of one of several masterminds and uses a map and security camera view to set traps, deploy monsters, lock doors, and turn off the lights to disorient players. Masterminds also have the ability to take direct control of some of their creations, all the way up to Mr X himself.

Originally thought to be Capcom testing the waters for a return to the Resident Evil: Outbreak online multiplayer from back on the PS2, Project Resistance was revealed to be part of the RE3 package.


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