Resident Evil 3: 16 Best Secrets You Need To Know

7. Kickass First Day

Resident Evil 3 Secrets You Need To See

Before entering the Raccoon Police Department, Carlos has the option of going down the stairs and checking out the room under the entrance. This is where Leon, in his B game on the Resident Evil 2 REmake, changes into his police uniform. As this part of the game is shortly before Leon and Claire arrive at the RPD, the uniform is still there and Carlos has something to say about it.

Later on, when finding the first of the Spade Key locks, Carlos will call out to Tyrell to let him know he's found a "weird f#&king door". While he'll never be able to find the key in his exploration of the station he's not locked out of the office. After working his way around to the other side, Carlos can enter the room where the other officers were planning a welcoming party for Leon.

"Yeah, welcome Leon." Carlos says if the player gets his glorious bouffant to aim at the banner with its missing extraneous L. "Bet you had a kickass first day."


After hearing that you are what you eat, Mik took a good hard look at his diet and realised he might just be a szechuan spare rib alongside prawn fried rice.