Resident Evil 3: 16 Best Secrets You Need To Know

6. There's Something About Brad

Resident Evil 3 Secrets You Need To See

A secret in the original Resident Evil 2 saw Leon or Claire able to face off against a super zombie version of Brad Vickers if they made it to the police station without picking up any items. We found out how he became a zombie in one of the next game's standout moments when Jill and Brad first arrive at the police station and Nemesis makes his debut.

REmake 3 changes things by having a half-changed ("itchy, tasty") Brad apologise to Marvin Branagh, causing the doomed officer to hesitate long enough that Brad can attack and give Marvin his fatal wound.

Those that take Brad down on the early difficulties will be rewarded with the STARS card and some dialogue when looking at the poster of him beneath the station. However, running away and checking that poster while he's still walking around will see Carlos saying something different.

Play on Nightmare upwards and Brad will only fall temporarily. The still-intelligent Chickenheart will use his knowledge of the area to follow Carlos along the West Corridor where the mercenary can see him out of the window. At some point after that he'll show up, looking to take Carlos out for dinner.


After hearing that you are what you eat, Mik took a good hard look at his diet and realised he might just be a szechuan spare rib alongside prawn fried rice.