Resident Evil 3: 16 Best Secrets You Need To Know

15. Jill's Short Fuse

Resident Evil 3 Secrets You Need To See

There are a couple of opportunities early on in the game to hear some additional dialogue.

The first comes when in Jill's apartment and the phone is ringing. Simply don't answer and she'll get increasingly annoyed with the caller until she picks up the phone and puts on her phone voice.

More interesting is when Jill enters the warehouse and comes across the ever-annoying Dario Rosso. Even less of a sympathetic character in the remake than he was in the original game, Dario has plenty to say about how the police have been handling the zombie apocalypse, and how Jill is just trying to steal the storage container he's hiding in.

Activate that container afterwards and he'll have a few more choice words for Jill that will net the player a challenge in the game if his dialogue is exhausted. Not counted towards that are the things he says when Jill has had enough of his insults and starts pumping bullets into the container. Shooting it will also provoke Dario.

It's worth mentioning that Jill's short fuse also allows her to skip radio calls if she wants. Speedrunners may want to avoid that though, as time stops when she receives a call and she can keep moving towards her goal.


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