Resident Evil 3: 16 Best Secrets You Need To Know

10. Map Of The Power Substation

Resident Evil 3 Secrets You Need To See

This next one isn't really a secret but, like some other things on this list, it is easy for players to miss. And if you do miss it, Jill can easily spend a while wandering around an annoying area.

When Jill enters the subway power substation she must navigate an area to find four breakers, reset them, then escape back to the control room. Complicating things are the Drain Deimos, fleas that have fed on the blood of zombies and mutated to great size thanks to the T-Virus within.

Coming along the floor, walls and ceiling, if they grab hold of Jill they'll infect her with a parasite that will eventually burst out of her chest in a scene totally not inspired by a certain movie series.

However, if Jill pays attention to her surroundings, the power substation is a lot easier than it first seems. The four screens in the control room above that area clearly show where each of the breakers that need to be reset is located. Using this knowledge, Jill can rush through the area in a couple of minutes and save herself a lot of hassle.


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