Resident Evil 3 Remake: Every Confirmed & Leaked Detail We Know

6. Brad Vickers Has An Expanded Role

Resident Evil 3

If we're being honest, Brad Vickers is barely a character. The dude shows up as the interchangeable helicopter pilot in Resident Evil 1, and then cameos again in Resident Evil 3 to get brutally killed by Nemesis and then reanimate as a zombie.

Of course, this is the Resi franchise we're talking about, so little screen time or no, Brad naturally became a fan favourite and a source of plenty of memes.

While the character is set to return for the remake, it won't be in the exact same capacity as before. The developers haven't revealed how his story has changed (probably to avoid hinting at whether or not this version will make it out the game alive), but it's said to be even more of a substantial alteration than Carlos has received.

He'll probably still bite the dust though, as you can't really pitch Nemesis as a S.T.A.R.S. killing machine without him offing some beloved members.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3