Resident Evil 3 Remake: Every Confirmed & Leaked Detail We Know

5. There Won't Be Multiple Endings Or Any Player Choice

Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil games haven't exactly been Telltale stories when it comes to player choice or alternate endings, but they have usually embraced small moments of player-driven freedom.

In the original Resi 2, certain weapons became unavailable for the second character's playthrough depending on your actions, and Resi 3 expanded on that by having diverging paths that subtly changed levels depending on your decisions. Very subtly.

Rather than expand upon those moments and give the player even more choice in the remake though, Capcom's instead omitting them entirely, and creating one linear experience without diverting paths. In favour of one streamlined story, different end states have been removed as well.

That's a bit of a shame, especially considering the bigger roles for Carlos and Brad, but if it makes for a stronger story overall, sacrificing half-baked decision-making moments is the right move.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3